In today’s fast-paced world, consumers expect instant results—whether it’s food delivered within the hour or same-day shipping from Amazon. Businesses must keep up, and that includes the legal industry. However, when it comes to government services like trademark registration, speed isn’t always guaranteed.

Evolution of the USPTO

The U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) has come a long way from its paper-based processes of the late 20th century. Back then, submitting a trademark application involved mailing in documents, which were manually processed. This system could take 18 months to several years to complete.

Around 2000, the USPTO revolutionized its process by moving to online applications. This change slashed the time required for data entry, and without objections, trademarks could be registered in about a year—a remarkable improvement for a government agency.

However, with the success of this new system came a surge in applications. The global demand for U.S. trademarks has skyrocketed, leading to a significant backlog. Now, it takes around 9-11 months just for an initial review by an Examining Attorney, with no signs of the application flood slowing down.

Business Risks & Delays

So, what does this mean for your business? Should you wait nearly a year just to see if your trademark will be accepted? For most companies, delaying a product or service launch for that long isn’t an option.

That’s where a trademark risk assessment comes in. Before filing an application, we assess the potential mark’s chances of success. Using specialized databases and our deep understanding of current trends and case law, we evaluate the likelihood of the USPTO approving the mark and the risk of objections from third parties.

This proactive approach helps you navigate the trademark process more smoothly, reducing the chances of receiving a cease-and-desist letter after investing in your brand.

No Guarantees, But Strong Strategies

While we can’t guarantee the outcome—since Examining Attorneys are human and subject to their own interpretations—our strategies are built on over 25 years of experience. We stay updated on the latest USPTO decisions, ensuring we craft the best possible approach for your application.

The USPTO’s online system may make it easy to file your own application, but no business wants to wait nearly a year in uncertainty. If you’re considering registering a trademark, minimize your risks and get ahead by consulting with us first.

Ready to clear your mark? Contact us today to start your trademark journey with confidence.